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Purifying Sex Desire Through Devotional Service.

Purifying Sex Desire Through Devotional Service.

A desire for illicit sex is like a disease. It complicates our existence and puts us into miseries and suffering just like any other disease.

Any sensible person must be interested in curing a disease he is infected with. In order to cure the disease of illicit sex, we should know its origin. Knowing its origin can help us to deal with the diease effectively and thoroughly without unnecessarily depending on temporary " fixes" and superficial treatments. Our material disease is the misuse of our minute independence and a desire to enjoy in this world without God.

One should view all sex and sexuality (except procreational sex within the context of marriage) as being "illicit" with another partner. The focus of one's life is supposed to be geared towards spirituality and not sexuality.

Stay Tune....

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