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LGA ELECTIONS: The Consequences of Giving a Party’s Ticket to an Unqualified Person~ Onyeani Kalu

ONN Germany 12/08/2024

As Nigeria approaches the upcoming Local Government Area (LGA) elections, the importance of selecting competent and dedicated candidates cannot be overstated. Local governments play a crucial role in providing essential services and driving grassroots development, making the choice of leadership at this level particularly significant. However, when political parties give their tickets to unqualified individuals, the consequences can be severe, affecting not only the efficiency of local governance but also the broader prospects for development and prosperity in the community.

The Role of Local Governments

Local governments are the closest form of government to the people, responsible for delivering basic services such as healthcare, education, sanitation, and infrastructure. They are also vital in promoting local economic development and ensuring that the needs of the community are met. For these reasons, the quality of leadership at the LGA level is crucial. Competent and dedicated leaders can transform their communities, using available resources effectively to improve living conditions and foster development. On the other hand, unqualified leaders can lead to mismanagement, stagnation, and even regression.

Consequences of Electing Unqualified Leaders

1. Inefficiency and Poor Service Delivery One of the most immediate consequences of electing an unqualified leader is the inevitable inefficiency in governance. Unqualified individuals often lack the necessary knowledge, skills, and experience to manage public resources effectively or make informed decisions. This leads to poor service delivery, with essential services like healthcare, education, and infrastructure development suffering from neglect or mismanagement.

2. Financial Mismanagement and Corruption Unqualified leaders are more likely to engage in or tolerate corrupt practices, either because they lack the expertise to manage resources properly or because they prioritize personal gain over public service. Corruption at the local government level can result in the misappropriation of funds, leaving communities deprived of much-needed development projects. This not only hinders progress but also deepens poverty and inequality.

3. Erosion of Public Trust: When political parties nominate unqualified candidates, it signals to the electorate that merit and competence are secondary to political loyalty or patronage. This can erode public trust in the political process and in the institutions of governance. Over time, citizens may become disillusioned with politics, leading to voter apathy and disengagement from the democratic process. This weakening of the social contract undermines the foundations of democracy and hampers efforts to build accountable and responsive governance.

4. Stagnation and Developmental Setbacks Unqualified leadership often results in the stagnation of development efforts. Projects that could improve the quality of life for citizens are either poorly executed or abandoned due to lack of vision or expertise. This is particularly damaging in the context of LGAs, where even small-scale projects can have a significant impact on local communities. When these projects fail, it sets back the community’s development and perpetuates cycles of poverty and underdevelopment.

5. Nepotism and Cronyism Unqualified leaders may resort to nepotism and cronyism, appointing friends, relatives, or loyalists to key positions rather than individuals with the necessary qualifications. This further degrades the effectiveness of the local government, as decisions are made based on loyalty rather than competence. The result is a poorly functioning administration that is unable to meet the needs of the people it is supposed to serve.

The Need for Qualified and Dedicated Candidates

To prevent these negative outcomes, political parties must prioritize the selection of qualified and dedicated candidates. This means going beyond considerations of loyalty, ethnicity, or political expediency and focusing on the track record, competence, and commitment of potential candidates. By selecting individuals who have a genuine desire to serve their communities and the skills to do so effectively, parties can ensure that local governments are led by people capable of driving progress and delivering results.

The Upcoming LGA Elections: A Test for Good Governance

The upcoming LGA elections offer political parties a chance to demonstrate their commitment to good governance. By ensuring that only qualified and dedicated candidates receive the party ticket, parties can set a new standard for leadership at the local level. This will not only improve the quality of governance in LGAs but also restore public confidence in the political process.

Qualified leaders at the local level can make a significant difference in the lives of ordinary Nigerians. They can ensure that resources are used effectively, that projects are completed on time and within budget, and that the needs of the community are prioritized. This, in turn, can create a ripple effect, leading to greater political stability, economic growth, and social cohesion.


The consequences of giving a party’s ticket to an unqualified person are far-reaching and damaging, both for the immediate community and for the nation as a whole. As political parties prepare for the upcoming LGA elections, they have a responsibility to the Nigerian people to prioritize competence, dedication, and integrity in their candidate selection process. By doing so, they can help ensure that the next generation of local leaders is capable of delivering the good governance that Nigeria so desperately needs. This election is not just an opportunity to select local representatives; it is an opportunity to set the stage for a brighter, more prosperous future for all Nigerians.

Your Ever Well Wisher

Onyeani Kalu,

Political Scientist

& Promoter of Good Governance

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