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Don't Wait For Tomorrow- Mahabharata Motivation

The way to live is to realize that each day of our lives is important. 

That was the lesson that Yudhisthra learned. A brahmana came to him when he was the king of Hastinapur and he said, Maharaja I need to get my daughter married, can you please give me some charity.

Yudhisthra said, definitely, come tomorrow and you shall receive the charity. Bhimasena heard that and he went to the Prime Minister and said let's have a celebration!. The Prime Minister instructed the General and the General instructed his soldiers. 

The preparations were made and Yudhisthra saw that everybody in Hastinapur is celebrating. He asked the soldiers, what are you celebrating about. The soldiers said, ask our commander-in-chief, we are following his instructions. Yudhisthra asked the commander-in-chief, what's this festival about. 

He said it's the Prime Minister's instructions. Yudhisthra went to the Prime Minister and asked, what's going on The Prime Minister said, your brother Bhimasen asked me to have this celebration arranged. 

Now Yudhisthra went to Bhima and asked, tell me why is everyone happy and celebrating. Bhima said, bhai-sahab you have achieved immortality. You have become *Amar* that's why we're celebrating. 

Yudhisthra said, I have become Amar how What are you talking about?

Bhimasena said, bhai-sahab the brahmana came to you for charity and you said come tomorrow. That means you're guaranteed that you'll be alive tomorrow, hence you have postponed it.

Yudhisthra pondered over it and thought, my brother's body is big but his intellect is very refined. And immediately he said, call the brahmana we will give him today! 

To this ties up with Ravana's advice: when you wish to do good work don't ever postpone it. And if evil thoughts arise, delay! Remember these two pieces of advice.

Hare Krishna

Stay Tuned!

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