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Amobi Ogah and his Co-travelers Must End This Obsession with Frivolit~~Emeka

ONN Abuja 28/08/2024

Amobi Ogah's latest salvo of falsehoods against the Minister of State for Labour and Employment, Hon. Barr. Nkeiruka Onyejeocha and senior judicial officials is a tired rehashing of his previous attempts to smear their reputations- this is not the first time he has resorted to such scurrilous and defamatory tactics, using social media proxies.

Just this morning, we came across a statement on social media with the title: 'Abuse of Public Office by Hon Nkeiru Onyejeocha and Lateef Fagbemi, SAN Over Criminal Charges Against Hon Amobi Ogah', released by a group calling themselves Concern Citizens of Isuikwuato/Umunneochi. The statement, published in a local online news outlet, claimed that the Honourable Minister of State for Labour and Employment, Hon. Barr. Nkeiruka Onyejeocha and the Minister of Justice and Attorny General of the Federation, Chief Lateef Fabgemi, are exploiting every legal means to divert Amobi Ogah's focus away from his legislative responsibilities with multiple suits. We find this accusation utterly absurd!

As we read through the statement, we were struck by the similarity to the classic tale of the Shepherd boy who falsely claimed to have seen a wolf, as he repeatedly lied about the wolf's presence, only to be ignored when the wolf finally appeared. This underscores the fact that those who recklessly peddle false accusations will inevitably reap the whirlwind of their own deceit. When they finally need a lifeline of support, they will someday be met with deafening silence and utter abandonment, precisely because their previous screams were nothing but a web of lies and fabrication. This is the harsh consequence of playing fast and loose with the truth.

We are tempted to dismiss the statement outrightly, as dignifying it with a response would only embolden Amobi and his fellow travelers, who have chosen to abandon reasoning for bullying and intimidation. Nevertheless, in the age of information, where words are wielded like swords and the line between truth and falsehood is increasingly blurred, we feel compelled not only to put the record straight but also to guide other groups against being misled by Amobi's desperate mechanisation.

The wisdom of the ages echoes through the words of the ancient Greek philosopher, Aristotle: "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." In this era of instant gratification and social media frenzy, we think people would do well to heed this wisdom, lest they become purveyors of falsehoods and destroyers of reputations. The consequences of unsubstantiated allegations are dire.

Let us strive to be guardians of truth, cultivators of integrity, and defenders of the innocent. For in the words of the great poet, Maya Angelou, "Do the best you can until you know better. Then, when you know better, do better." Let us choose to do better, to rise above the fray, and to build a world where truth and justice reign supreme

Now to the bone of contention. For the unsuspected public, let us remind you of the stakes. During last year's election petition tribunal between Amobi and Barr. Nkeiruka Onyejeocha, Amobi leveled scandalous accusations, claiming that the former Deputy Whip had bribed a tribunal judge to pervert the course of justice in her favour. He even went so far as to swear a false affidavit and alleged that the judge was spotted at Onyejeocha's residence.

But here is the kicker- neither the judge who was subsequently recused from the panel, nor Onyejeocha, who had her reputation threatened, took the high road and ignored these outlandish claims; the judge in her voice trembling with pain and indignation, dramatically removed her shoes and swore before the court, denouncing Amobi's sinister plot to tarnish her reputation and sabotage her distinguished career. As she spoke, she called down a curse upon Amobi, a powerful expression of her outrage and disappointment. This is ghost chasing Amobi all around and has become his nightmares.

Did Amobi and his co travelers genuinely believe the Minister would fold her hands in the face of such scurrilous allegations? Would they expect her to applaud their baseless claims and watch as her reputation is tarnished? We implore those who rush to criticize the Minister for defending her honour to put themselves in her shoes. If you were falsely accused of theft and hauled before a court, would you idly stand by and allow the falsehood to stand? Certainly not! You would vigorously contest the allegation and fight to clear your name. The is the bone of contention.

Minister is exercising her right to seek justice and restore her reputation. She is not attempting to divert Amobi's attention from his legislative responsibilities; rather, she is refusing to let a falsehood define her character. After all, Amobi and his legal team knowingly made these allegations and swore to them in court, demonstrating their awareness of the gravity of their claims. Hence, Onyejeocha will not be swayed by social media rants.

In the pursuit of truth that, the minister feel the need to end Amobi's customary tactic of deploying his proxy to coerce the judiciary into succumbing to his demands and evade justice. Amobi would have benefited from a understanding of the repercussions of character defamation, a basic principle that even a novice law student should comprehend. Although the law has yet to hold him accountable for his previous transgressions, he has embarked on another campaign of calumny, which may precipitate further legal repercussions.

In the pursuit of truth, evidence is paramount. It is incumbent upon those making claims to provide proof. Amobi's strenuous efforts to sidestep this issue only serve to highlight his self created nightmares. The age-old maxim remains: those who seek fairness or justice must first demonstrate their own moral purity. It's a simple yet unyielding truth - you cannot claim equity while concealing unclean hands.

The need to end Amobi's customary tactic of deploying his proxy to coerce the judiciary into succumbing to his demands and evade justice has become a thing of great concern. Amobi would have benefited from a understanding of the repercussions of character defamation, a basic principle that even a novice law student should comprehend. Although the law has yet to hold him accountable for his previous transgressions, he has embarked on another campaign of calumny, which may precipitate further legal repercussions.

His frantic efforts to divert attention from his troubles are evident in his proxy social media campaign, which seeks to enlist stakeholders' support and intervention. However, he should cease these distractions and concentrate on his legislative responsibilities. This is not the time for evasion tactics; it's time to be accountable to the people.

Onyejeocha has a critical national role to fulfill and cannot be swayed by Amobi's antics. As a minister, she bears significant responsibilities and has more pressing concerns than engaging with Amobi's distractions. Her focus remains on serving the nation, and she will not be intimidated or deterred from her duties. In essence, Amobi should desist from attempting to shift the spotlight and instead, focus on his legislative obligations. Onyejeocha's commitment to her national duties and responsibilities will not be compromised by Amobi's diversionary tactics.


Writes from Abuja

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